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Waste Hydraulic Oil Filtration Automatic Pressure Filter Machine

Waste Hydraulic Oil Filtration Automatic Pressure Filter Machine

Waste Hydraulic Oil Filtration Automatic Pressure Filter Machine integrates purification technologies such as vacuum flash drying, flocculation and adsorption. The automatic pressure leaf filter has the advantages of high working vacuum, fast oil purification, and oil quality protection. The automatic filter machine can more efficiently remove various harmful substances such as moisture, impurities (solid impurities and oxidized impurities), hydrocarbons, colloids and chromosomes in the oil, and restore the oil.


Pressure Leaf Filter for Waste Hydraulic Oil Filtration



What is hydraulic oil and why waste hydraulic oil filtration by the automatic pressure leaf filter is important and necessary? The automatic pressure leaf filter is an efficient solid and liquid filtration equipment applied for almost all filtration application. The following is about the waste hydraulic oil filtration application info.



Waste Hydraulic Oil Filtration Pressure Leaf Filter Factory Pictures

Waste Hydraulic Oil Filtration Automatic Pressure Filter Machine

Waste Hydraulic Oil Filtration Pressure Leaf Filter Factory Pictures



Waste Hydraulic Oil Filtration Automatic Pressure Filter Advantages


Hydraulic oil is the hydraulic medium used in hydraulic systems that utilize liquid pressure energy. It plays the roles of energy transmission, anti-wear, system lubrication, anti-corrosion, anti-rust, and cooling in the hydraulic system. The automatic pressure leaf filter is widely used in various industries. After a period of use of hydraulic oil, various properties will decline, and a lot of solid impurities will be produced, which will cause adverse effects on the hydraulic system. Therefore, at regular intervals, the old hydraulic oil needs to be purified by the vertical pressure leaf filter to ensure the stability of its various properties.


The automatic cake discharging and decolorization oil purifier unit (also called automatic pressure leaf filter) developed by our company is designed by absorbing the advanced technology of similar products at home and abroad, and the oil purification process and equipment performance are at the first-class level.




Pressure Leaf Filter Waste Hydraulic Oil Filtration Applications


Pressure Leaf Filter Waste Hydraulic Oil Filtration Applications

Pressure Leaf Filter Waste Hydraulic Oil Filtration Applications on our customer site.



The automatic pressure leaf filter integrates purification technologies such as vacuum flash drying, flocculation and adsorption. It has the advantages of high working vacuum, fast oil purification, and oil quality protection. It can more efficiently remove various harmful substances such as moisture, impurities (solid impurities and oxidized impurities), hydrocarbons, colloids and chromosomes in the oil, and restore the oil. Various physical and chemical indicators ensure long-term circulation of oil.


The Pressure Leaf Filter System is mainly used for oil purification of hydraulic and lubricating systems, and the pollution degree requirements of hydraulic systems to the working medium, thereby improving the maintenance level of equipment, energy saving and emission reduction products.